Tuesday, September 25, 2012

August 29,2012

    So there is this horse that I had been riding for 8 months or so. I really had fallen in love with her. Her name was Maggie. She and I really get along well with each other. Well so anyway I had found out that my teacher is moving a way. It was sad to here and another blow was that the owners of Maggie were selling her!

    I was really sad that they were selling her. It was hard to think of her going to another owner and me not being able to ride her anymore. Well, so anyway I asked my parents if I could buy her. She has great bloodlines and I knew that she would be worth a lot of money. I did not know how I was going to get all the money to pay for her, but I knew that I had to try.  So I had a week to decide and to get my parents permission to buy her. I was really  was nervous on the day I had to give and answer because my parents had not given any indications on whether they would let me buy her or not.

    As I got her out thinking this is it Maggie.. we may never see each other again. It had been so enjoyable to work and get to know her. We had   a bond that I do not think most people can understand. So anyway I started to groom her and my dad gave me some rules and said if I did not keep up my side of the bargain we would sell Maggie. I could hardly believe my ears! They were letting me buy her!! My teacher finalized the buying agreement with the previous owner. I bought her for a little more than I had originally thought I might get her for, but I was so happy I did not care how much I had to pay for her.

    Maggie was bought on August 29, 2012. I changed her name to Bella. Her full name is Bella Rosa. She is really getting along with all of us. I am so happy how well my parents are responding to having a horse in the family. Bella is one of the kindest, quiet tempered horse you will find anywhere.  Here is a  pictures of her. This blog is now a blog of Bella's and my horse adventures. I will hopefully be writing more about the two of us. For now I will close.

   As soon as I can I will post a new one.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Upcoming Events

     I thought that I should drop a quick post about what I will be doing June 15-17. One of my friends gave me a horse magazine that had something about Clinton Anderson's Walk About tour. I started to research when and where he was going to be. Soon I found out that he is going to be in Iowa! I mentioned it to my parents and it took them a while to decide whether or not it was a good idea to go.

     My mom and I ordered our tickets for Clinton's show. We will be gone for three days! I am really looking forward to it. Samantha, my teacher is also coming with us. I think that this will be a good learning experience for me. It is a good thing that Samantha is coming so that I can ask her questions. When we get back I should have a lot to write about.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lessons of Late

    It certainly has been a really long time since I last posted. Recently, my teacher has given me the opportunity to work with a very young horse. I really do enjoy when my teacher gives me these little challenges. I am hoping that in June I will be able to Clinton Anderson's  three day event in Iowa. My teacher might even be coming with my mom and I. I think that it will be a very good experience for me. During most of my lessons I have been working on my technique. It is easy to learn the basics of riding and care of a horse. It is important that you learn to master those things. In order to do so you must practice what you have learned all the time.

    I have spent almost two years working with horses. I have learned a lot but I still do not know enough. It has been a good experience to be working with another student. Too learn how to deal with making sure you do not run in to the other person is a lot harder than most people who do not take lessons know. I hope to keep getting these great challenges and experiences.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Possible Job And an Update

   Well, I know that it has been a long time since I posted. I thought  that I would give a small update. The barn manager at the ranch that I go to for lessons, put in a request for a  person to do morning and evening chores. Well, I talk to my dad and he said that it was alright for me to do it. I am hoping that the people who are selecting candidates will let me do the chores.

    Lately, I have been working with a horse that is kind of difficult. He took a five month break from what he had been doing. It has been a good experience for me to work with a horse like that. I hope that more opportunities come up to work with difficult horses.

    Sorry that this is not a long post, but I thought I would just quick tell you the latest news. Hopefully I will have more news to tell later.